Tuesday, April 24, 2012

When Did Worship Revolve Around Us?

One church decided to take a survey of the congregation to see what song they like to sing. The responses were mixed mostly toward traditional hymns. One member in that church said unless a certain song was played, that person could not worship God.

People are very opinionated about their favorite songs and even passionate. I remember one man crying every time "Amazing Grace" comes up. One time I noticed as "Shout To The Lord" was starting, people started to stand up as if there are some songs you should stand to and others you need to sit.

Don't get me wrong, worship is suppose to be passionate and emotional, but not when it's all about us and not about Jesus. In Revelation, you hear the hosts of heaven singing to Jesus. In Isaiah, the seraphim were declaring God as holy. Jesus told the Samaritian woman God is seeking worshippers who will worship Him in Spirit and in truth.

When did worship revolve around us? We live in a consumer society where we get what we want and how we want it. The same thing goes with worship. Certain people like tradition, some like contemporary, and some like singing "Highway To Hell" before you start singing to God.

Worship is declaring the worth of God. When we come into corporate worship, we should be declaring how great God is, but instead we like to sing songs that make us feel good because we are going through a rough time or you had a bad morning because the kids did not listen to you or you are on staff when one church member ticks you off because of what something he/she said.

Worship is not about us. Get over it. We are not that important. I remember hearing someone saying, I cannot remember who, that corporate worship is getting us ready for heaven.

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